Sunday, July 19, 2020

Words Twice a Week 7.20-7.26

Words Twice a Week 7.20-7.26
Well, this is harder than I thought – there were and are a lot of significant things about this week! And then figuring out what the Blogger formatting allows -

From the liturgical calendar,
  • Wednesday remembers Mary Magdalene,
  • Saturday remembers St James(the Greater), the disciple/apostle (not the infirmary!), one of the Sons of Zebedee, and of Thunder,
  • Sunday (if it were not a Sunday and a Feast Day of Jesus) would be the Feast Day of Anne and Joachim, his maternal grandparents!

The stories about Mary Magdalene are a little convoluted – but she was a good friend of Jesus, traveled with him, and is said to have witnessed his crucifixion, burial, and resurrection. Anne and Joachim are somewhat legendary, mentioned only in the Apocrypha. So – a good friend, a disciple, and grandma and grandpa – it’s a nice week.

Mother/Father God, you set the solitary in families and watch closely over those who are alone. Jesus was maybe more alone than anyone else [except maybe Adam before Eve]. We are grateful that he had good friends, co-workers, and grandparents. I’m grateful for my friends, co-workers, and the memories of grandparents.

Geographical -
  • Friday 24, 1911 Machu Picchu rediscovered
  • Sunday, 26, 1965 Maldives becomes independent – just in time to sink beneath the waves due to sea level rise!
  • Monday 20, 1969 Neil Armstrong walked on the moon
  • Tuesday 21, 1983 lowest temperature ever recorded on earth [in Antarctica, where else] -128.6F

Creator God, our Earthworld is continually growing, evolving, changing. Your Creationworld even more so. Each day there are new things to discover and rediscover and explore; each day some things are no more to be seen. Help us enjoy this moment. Help us live so that any change we might engender will lead to the health and beauty of your creation.

  • Monday 20, 1848 The second day [voting day] of the Seneca Falls Conference which led ultimately – 72 years later – to the voting rights for women [well, effectively, white women]
  • Saturday 25, 1941 Birthday of Emmett Till
  • Sunday 26, 1990 ADA signed into law

Dear God, Parent of all, each child born is such a joy, such a promise, such a hope. We grieve for all those whose lives are limited by laws or cultures or conditions. We grieve for those whose life is cut short by violence or malnutrition or sickness, and for their families. We grieve also for ourselves at the promise and potential lost to our world in these limited lives and premature deaths. Let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an everflowing stream; let peace guide the planet, and love steer the stars.

Haiku of the week...Pick something and write a haiku?  Put it in the comments?
  Footprints on the moon
  Machu Picchu found once more
  Maldives soon - no more...

[comments are moderated - by me - so it may take a day or so to get them posted]

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