Monday, February 15, 2021

Bonus for lent

 Here's a "bonus adapted liturgy of the hours" that could be used in part or in full during lent.  I think I probably adapted this from something by Edward Hays -

Praying and Living the Hours


(actually, kind of optional - for when you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep!)

        Eternal God,

        you are Lord of the day and of the night,

        and you are as close to me as the darkness.

        Bless all those who are working through the night

        truck drivers, maintenance workers, police and firefighters, medical and emergency personnel,...

        Bless those who are awake with me tonight.

        Whatever is keeping me from sleep, 

        I put in your hands

        relaxing my body, taking deep breaths, focusing my thoughts in pleasant places...

        Awake or asleep, my soul finds refreshment in your close presence.

Rising  (when you get up)

        Creator God,

        your world comes to life around me,

        the sunlight and the rain, 

        the flowers and the birds

        and all the rest of creation sings your praise this morning.

        I join their song -

        “Blessed are you, God of all, at the dawn of the day!”

        Hallowed be your name.

        May your will be done this day on earth and in heaven.  Amen.

    Psalm for the day

    Devotional Reading

    Quiet Listening and Conversational Prayer for the day

Leaving/Beginning  (as you leave for work or begin your activities at home)

        Active God, now I begin my daily activity.

        May I be aware of you working in our world,

        and may my activities be together with yours.  Amen.


    Before lunch

        Thank you God for all the events of this morning,

        and now for this food and these moments of rest.

        Give us this day our daily bread.

        May I be aware of your steady blessing on me as I eat.

    After lunch

        Dear Lord,

        now I go about my afternoon activities of......

        Keep me in your hands,

        keep me aware of your presence,

        let me be open to your leading

        as we live this afternoon together.

None/Done  (as you leave work for home, or finish your afternoon activities at home)

        Dear God,

        my daily activity is mostly done.

        Thank you for being with me through the day,

        and for all that we were able to do together.

        For the things I missed,

        forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.

        Now evening draws near.

        perhaps there are meetings or other events scheduled,

        but my main thoughts will be with family, loved ones, and friends,

        and with my own interests.

        Bless this evening time.  Amen.


    Light a candle and say “O Gracious Light”

        O gracious Light

        pure brightness of the everliving Father in heaven,

        O Jesus Christ, holy and blessed!

        Now as we come to the setting of the sun,

        and our eyes behold the vesper light,

        we sing your praises O God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

        You are worthy at all times to be praised by happy voices,

        O Son of God, O giver of life,

        and to be glorifies through all the worlds.

    Evening psalm  (or “Now Lettest thou thy servant depart in peace....)

    Short reading (perhaps even re-reading a paragraph from the morning’s devotion)

    Quiet meditation/Conversational prayer

        Almighty God,

        you made the day for the works of light

        and the night for the refreshment of our minds and bodies.

        Keep us now in Christ;

        grant us a peaceful evening, a night free from sin;

        save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil;

        bring us at last to eternal life.  Amen.

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